Mini-Symposium on Quantum Computing

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Vendredi 31 mai 2019 à 13h00, Petit Amphithéâtre de Mathématiques (PAM), UFR Mathématique et Informatique, 7 rue Descartes, Campus de l'Esplanade, Université de Strasbourg

Stefanie Barz.jpgTobiasWintermantel.jpg

Tentative programme

13h00 - Introduction
               Prof. Pierre Collet / Prof. Shannon Whitlock
13h20 - Quantum Computing
               Prof. Stefanie Barz - Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies, Stuttgart University
14h10 - Quantum Simulation and Quantum Computing (with atoms)
               Prof. Shannon Whitlock - Exotic Quantum Matter Laboratory, Strasbourg University
14h50 - Coffee Break
15h10 - Intrication as an emergent complex system
               Prof. Pierre Collet - CSTB team, ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg University
15h50 - Variational Approach to Quantum State Engineering
               Tobias Wintermantel - Exotic Quantum Matter Laboratory, Strasbourg University
16h35 - General Discussion / Brainstorming