4P Factory Workshop 2017: Complex System Science for the Factory of the Future

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4P Factory workshop

The e-laboratory of the Complex System Digital Campus ‘4P Factory: the factory of the future’ held its third conference in November 2017. This year’s edition will focus on the Engineering of Complex Systems. Complex system engineering encompasses:

  • Integration and individual pieces of technical complex systems, from photonics to mechanical, mechatronics, electronics and computing systems
  • Engineering of bio- and bio-inspired-systems, through bio-mimetism, synthetic biology, bio-inspired algorithms
  • Methods for system modeling and management of complex environments of 4P Factories

The program

Welcome to our speakers:

Time Author Title
14:00 Pierre Parrend Complex system engineering
14:30 René Doursat The 4 Categories of complex system engineering
15:00 Claudia Eckert Design and Engineering
15:30 Cecilia Zanni-Merk Knowledge management for engineering
16: Pause
16:15 Guillaume Altmeyer Modeling mechanical bifurcations
16:45 Jean Vieille Leverage Intelligence of an industrial system
17:15 Marion Gstalter, Grégoire Chabrol Femtosecond laser glass welding for micro processing
17:45 Yves Gendrault An introduction to engineering challenges of synthetic biology
18:15 The End