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When you join a POEM, a tutor is provided to you in the form of access to a more advanced student in the same curriculum.

By joining a POEM, you also agree to become the tutor of a less advanced student.

This allows POEM students to keep a human interaction to either help or get help.

If a question from a less advanced student cannot be answered by a tutor, then, the tutor can forward the question to his own tutor. A very difficult question to answer will possibly be forwarded to several tutors until it is eventually forwarded to a professor if no tutor was able to provide an answer.

If a tutor does not respond to repeated sollicitations from a participant, the participant can ask the system for another tutor.

Participants evaluation is made of two marks: ELO level and involvement.

Whenever a tutor answers a participant's question, the participant is encourage to give involvement points to his tutor.