BICS Data Seminar 7/2019

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Handling Data cascades

The recent explosition of data science and artificial intelligence relies on one critical capability: being able to gather, clean, analyse and render the data on which the algorithms rely.

BICS offers a whole support of material, software, data and methodology resources to support the handling of data cascade in the domains of medical, biological, industrial and educational domains.

The BICS data Seminar 2019 provides the overview of the state of the art for data handling cascade.

The program

Welcome to our speakers:

Time Author Title
9:30 Pierre Parrend Handling data cascades
9:45 Arnaud Kress BICS Infrastructure
10:00 Laetitia Poidevin Omics databases
10:15 Luc Moulinier Protein fold recognition
10:30 Kirsley Chennen Overview of data handling in rare diseases
10:45 Thomas Weber Data handling and analysis on genetic variants
11:30 Nicolas Scalzitti Data Process Genome Annotation
11:45 Anne Jeannin Deep learning data: improving learning for deep models
12:00 Pierre Parrend Industrial data cascades
12:30 The End